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Revenue Recapture Program

Organization: MN Department of Revenue

Description: The Revenue Recapture program allows the Minnesota Department of Revenue to recapture (take) individual tax refunds or other payments and apply them to debts being collecting for other agencies, such as Minnesota Ambulance Services, or for the federal government. (See Minnesota Statutes, section 270A.03 and section 270C.41.)

Click here for additional information about the Revenue Recapture Program

Fuel Tax Refunds

Organization: MN Department of Revenue

Description: Excise tax paid on gasoline or special fuels is refundable to the end user if used for qualified purposes (see “Qualified Purposes” on this page) or used in a manner that is exempt under Minnesota law (M.S. 296A.07, subd. 4, and M.S. 296A.08, subd. 3).

M.S. 144E.10 — Ambulance service providers licensed with the Emergency Medical Ground Services Regulatory Board. These providers are eligible for refund of all state motor fuel and special fuel excise taxes paid for and used in their ambulances.

Click here for additional information on the Fuel Tax Refunds

Rural Ambulance Service Budget Model

Organization: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Description: The Rural Ambulance Service Budget Model provides a management tool that enables a service to enter known financial information into a simple, preprogrammed spreadsheet. Once information is entered into the model, a budget is automatically calculated that can be exported into off the shelf accounting software and monthly budget versus actual results can be used to better manage limited funds and plan for improved financial management of the service.

Click here to access the Rural Ambulance Service Budget Model

Click here to access the Rural Ambulance Service Budget Model Tool, a pre-programmed spreadsheet used in the budget model.

Minnesota Ambulance Association
400 S 4th St Ste 410 PMB 72319 | Minneapolis, MN, 55415

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